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Łódź (Lodz)


Łódź – miasto wojewódzkie w środkowej Polsce, położone na Wzniesieniach Łódzkich, na dziale wodnym I rzędu Wisły i Odry. Przejściowa siedziba władz państwowych w 1945. Siedziba władz województwa łódzkiego oraz powiatu łódzkiego wschodniego. W latach 1940-1945 miasto nosiło nazwę Litzmannstadt.

Ważny ośrodek akademicki (6 uczelni państwowych oraz 20 prywatnych), a także kulturalny. Sześć kilometrów od centrum Łodzi znajduje się Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy Łódź im. Władysława Reymonta.

Pochodzenie nazwy miasta (a przedtem wsi) nie jest wyjaśnione. Poprzednie hipotezy, że miała się ona wywodzić od nazwiska rodowego Łodzic, od "łozy" (wierzby), od nazwy rzeki "Łódka", od "łódki" (środka komunikacji) czy wreszcie od imienia Włodzisław w świetle nowych badań okazały się nieprawdziwe.

Według ostatniego corocznego zestawienia GUS-u wszystkich miast Polski, Łódź jest trzecim miastem w kraju pod względem liczby ludności (750 125 osób) i czwartym pod względem powierzchni (293,25 km²;).

Łódź jest członkiem Związku Miast Polskich.

Miasto stara się o przyznanie mu tytułu Europejskiej Stolicy Kultury 2016.


Lodž (polsky Łódź — výslovnost ['wut͡ɕ] IPA) je město i okres v centrální části Polska. Lodž je 3 největší město v Polsku. Má katastrální výměru 294 km², v roce 2008 měla 753 192 obyvatel a je hlavním městem Lodžského vojvodství.

Leži v průměrné výšce 164-284 metrů n. m., 130 km jihozá;padně od Varšavy, na křižovatce dálkových silnic č. E 75, 72 a 14.

První zmínka o lokalitě pochází z roku 1332. Městská práva od roku 1423. Prudký rozvoj a růst v 19. století díky textilnímu průmyslu.


Łódź ['wut͡ɕ] (dt.: Lodz, auch Lodsch, 1940–1945: Litzmannstadt) ist die drittgrößte Stadt Polens und gleichzeitig die Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen Wojewodschaft. Sie liegt im Zentrum des Landes – rund 120 Kilometer südwestlich der Landeshauptstadt Warschau – und bildet den polnischen Mittelpunkt im Bereich der Textilindustrie, des Weiteren in der Unterhaltungs- und Elektronikbranche. Die Stadt ist Sitz einer Universität und einer Filmhochschule.


Łódź [wut​͡ɕ] is a city in central Poland, with a population of 753,192 in 2007. It is Poland's third largest city (it was formerly the second largest, but was overtaken by Kraków in 2007). It is the capital of Łódź Voivodeship, and is approximately 135 kilometres (84 mi) south-west of Warsaw. The city's coat of arms is an example of canting – it contains a boat, alluding to the city's name which literally means "boat".

Łódź (Pronounced: Wooj) is Poland's third biggest city and an important industrial centre. The city, dubbed the Polish Manchester, has been famous for its textile industry, flourishing especially during the fin de siècle. The movie Promised Land based on a novel by the Nobel laureate Władysław Reymont, depicts those times. Łódź is the capital of the Łódzkie Voivodship.


The exact origin of the city's name is unknown, however, the word łódź translates to "boat" in English. This is referred to in the emblem and when you hear the dwellers of Łódź (łodzianin (men) łodzianka (women) łodzianie (plural)) calling themselves "the boat people".

A settlement on the area of present-day Łódź was first established in the 14th century and in 1423 it has been granted a town charter, along with the right to have a marketplace. However, the real development of Łódź starts with the industrial era at the beginning of the 19th century when the city was chosen to be the heart of the rapidly-growing textile industry. The population of Łódź soared from some 4k people in the 1830s and 40k in 1865 to over 300k inhabitants at the turn of the century, which was an unprecedented growth on a worldwide scale.

The rapid development of Łódź in the second half of the 19th century was brought about by the rise of enormous industrialist fortunes. New inhabitants, craftsmen and merchants came to Łódź; markets and town fairs came to life. The profits obtained from prosperous textile mills opened up practically unlimited possibilities for their owners. The city residences became expressions of the riches and power of the local tycoons. They were usually situated next to the owner's factory.

Andrzej Wajda's movie "The Promised Land" portrays Łódź's 19th century heyday.

Ever since the industrial revolution bringing a massive influx of workforce, Łódź has been a city almost equally divided between four cultures - Polish, Jewish, German and Russian. The day before the outbreak of World War II, Łódź was inhabited by approximately 672,000 people, among whom 35% were of Jewish faith and some 15% were ethnic German.

During the Nazi occupation, Łódź was incorporated directly into the Third Reich. The city was renamed to Litzmannstadt, and Piotrkowska Street was called Adolf-Hitler-Strasse. Although the city was not destroyed in the aftermath, the material losses were serious as the machinery, raw materials and finished goods have been taken away by the fleeing Nazis.

The day before the liberation, about 80,000 Germans left Łódź in panic. At the beginning of 1945, the number of population was estimated at 300,000.

In recent years, Łódź was seemingly forgotten by the government, investors, and travelers in favor for other cities, such as Krakow, Warsaw, and Wroclaw. As a result, there's a strange atmosphere in Łódź – streets are littered with cracks and potholes, soviet architecture can be the norm in some areas, and for a city of 760,000 aglomeration 1.428,000 there doesn't seem to be much, at first glance – compared to Warsaw , which are revered for their many qualities. However, there are signs of this changing now with Łódź campaigning and redesigning itself as a up-and-coming destination. To accomplish this, Łódź has been capitalizing on it's film history – Łódź is jokingly referred to as the "HollyŁódź" of Poland – by creating and hosting several film festivals. Łódź has also begun actively campaigning to be the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

Łódź today may not have the glitz and glamour of its heyday, however there is a certain charm to Łódź in its partially renovated façades and leitmotivs, not to mention its large artistic traditions, even if not immediately evident. With a little bit of persistence, you'll see the magic Łódź has to offer. For a different and eye-opening experience of the world and its cultures, Łódź is certainly a recommended destination.

Notable residents:

- Karl Dominik (Born:Karol Dominik Ignaczak), China's first Chinese speaking Polish actor
- Grażyna Bacewicz, composer
- Aleksander Bardini, stage director and actor
- Andrzej Bartkowiak, cameraman and film director
- Jurek Becker (1937-1997) writer
- Kazimierz Brandys, writer
- Artur Brauner, film producer
- Jacob Bronowski, writer,
- Roman Cycowski, singer, bariton, member of the Comedian Harmonists ensemble
- Karl Dedecius, translator
- Szymon Dzigan, Israeli-US Yiddish comedian, born in Baluty, now in Łódź
- Max Factor, Sr., businessman, founder of the Max Factor cosmetics company
- Stanislaw Fijalkowski, artist
- Piotr Fronczewski, polish actor
- Avraham Halfi, Israeli Hebrew actor and poet
- Josef Joffe, journalist
- Günter Kahl, (1943 Litzmannstadt) journalist
- Jan Karski, diplomat and antinazi resistant
- Małgorzata Kadziela, chemical engineer
- Paul Klecki, conductor
- Jerzy Kosinski, writer
- Jan Kowalewski, Polish cryptologist who broke Soviet military codes and ciphers during the - Polish-Soviet War.
- Feliks W. Kres, fantasy writer
- Daniel Libeskind, architect
- Tadeusz Miciński, poet,
- Zew Wawa Morejno, Chief Rabbi
- Andrzej N., Jedi O.G.
- Zbigniew Nienacki, writer
- Lukasz Ochmanski, Stony Brook University Swimmer
- Josef Olechowski, Lawyer, Polish Senator, Anti-Soviet counter-espionage operative
- Josef Okrutni, author, journalist
- Władysław Pasikowski, director
- Marian Piechal, poet and essayist
- Roman Polanski, cinema director
- Greg Przygocki, music business executive
- Zbigniew Rybczyński, animator and Oscar winner
- Israel Rabon, poet
- Władysław Reymont, writer, Nobel Prize winner
- Joseph Rotblat, Nobel Prize winner
- Stefan Rozental, nuclear physicist
- Artur Rubinstein, pianist, settled
- Andrzej Sapkowski, fantasy writer
- Carl Wilhelm Scheibler (1820-1881) one of the most important Lodz industrialists
- Euzebiusz Smolarek, footballer
- Piotr Sobociński, cinematographer
- Andrzej Sontag, track-and-field star
- Władysław Strzemiński, painter
- Arthur Szyk, artist
- Aleksander Tansman, composer and pianist
- Jack Tramiel computer manufacturer, founder of Commodore and Atari.
- Julian Tuwim, poet
- Miś Uszatek, cartoon character


Łódź [ˈwudʑ̥] es la segunda ciudad más poblada de Polonia, con una población de 776,297 habitantes en el año 2004. Está situada en el centro del país, 121 km al Suroeste de la capital, Varsovia. Es la capital del voivodato de Łódź. En el idioma polaco la palabra Łódź significa "barco".


La ville de Łódź ['wudʑ] est la deuxième plus grande ville de Pologne et également le chef-lieu de la voïvodie de Łódź (ou du Pays de Łódź;).

La ville de Łódź fut bâtie relativement tard en comparaison aux autres grandes villes de Pologne et, malgré sa population, n'a jamais pu jouir du même statut que Cracovie, Gdańsk ou Wrocław. Le village de Łódź obtint le statut de ville en 1423 du roi polonais Ladislas II Jagellon. Au XIXe siècle, grâce à une bonne administration locale, la ville s'est rapidement industrialisée et devint un chef de file dans le développement industriel en Pologne. La population de la ville s'est accrue d'une façon remarquable et a attiré également des immigrants et une population juive importante.

En 1918, lorsque la Pologne a regagné son indé;pendance, Łódź est devenue le centre textile le plus important d'Europe. Łódź avait également le plus grand pourcentage de la population juive parmi les villes de plus de 100 000 habitants de toute l'Europe. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la ville fut partiellement détruite par les Allemands. Łódź a perdu 420 000 habitants dé;portés vers les camps de la mort, dont 300 000 Juifs. Malgré ces pertes, Łódź devint soudainement la ville la plus peuplée de Pologne entre 1945 et 1954 : en effet, pendant la reconstruction de Varsovie, tellement démolie par la guerre qu'il a fallu rebâtir le vieux centre-ville, Łódź abrita les administrations de la Pologne ainsi que les plus importants ministères et avait le statut de capitale du pays. L'importance de la ville diminua après le retour du gouvernement à Varsovie mais ce ne fut pas le cas pour l'économie de la ville qui, malgré l'économie planifiée du communisme, plaçait Łódź en troisième position quant à son importance, après la région de Katowice et la région de Varsovie.


Łódź ([wuʥ], jelentése csónak, németül Lodz, Lodsch, 1940–1945: Litzmannstadt), né;pessége alapján Lengyelország második legnagyobb városa, lakosainak száma 2004-ben 776 297 fő volt. A Łódź vajdaság központja. Az ország közepén, łódźi fennsíkon fekszik, mely vízválasztó a Visztula és Odera vízgyűjtő területe között.

Nevének eredete nem tisztázott, a számos feltételezés – egyesek szerint a Łodzic nemzetségnévből, mások szerint a łoza (fűzfa) szóból, a Łódka folyó nevéből, a łódź szóból (csónak, ladik) vagy a Włodzisław személynévből ered – a kutatások fényében valótlannak bizonyult.

Łódź területén 18 kisebb-nagyobb folyó és patak folyik keresztül: a Ner, a Łódka (régebben Ostroga) és az őket tá;pláló Bałutka, Dobrzynka, Gadka, Jasień és a belé ömlő Karolewka, Olechówka, Augustówka, Jasieniec, Bzura, Łagiewniczanka, Sokołówka, Brzoza, Aniołówka, Wrząca, Zimna Woda Nowosolna és Miazga.




Лодзь (польск. Łódź, дословно — «лодка», «ладья»;) — второй по величине город Польши. Расположен в центре страны, в 120 километрах к юго-западу от Варшавы и является центром польской текстильной и электронной промышленности. Основана в XIII в., статус города от 1423 г. Лодзь — центр и крупнейший город Лодзинского воеводствa. Население города составляет 770 тысяч человек и постепенно сокращается (1988 г. — 854 тыс.)

С 1941 по 1944 год в городе находилось одно из крупнейших еврейских гетто.


Łódź, Polonya'nın nüfus bakımından en büyük ikinci şehridir (2004'te 776.297 idi). Ülkenin ortasında bulunup Łódź Voyvodası'nın da başkentidir. Łódź Lehçede (Polonyaca) "sandal" anlamına gelip armasında da sandal resmi bulunur.


Лодзь (пол. Łódź, нім. Lodz / Lodsch, гебр. לודז';) — місто в центральній Польщі, центр Лодзького воєводства.


Official Webiste for tourist: [link]
Wikitravel - Łódź: [link]
Image size
1600x1200px 359.52 KB
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10/6400 second
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14 mm
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Date Taken
Jul 7, 2005, 4:38:32 PM
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